Video Marketing

When NOT to Make A Video For My Business

Sometimes making a video for your business can be counter-intuitive, here are reasons when you should not make a video for your business

1. Target audience does not exist on targeted platforms

It all starts with whether your customers, clients and audiences that you want to target actually watch videos on the choice of social or video platforms. Example, if you want to target seniors age 50 and above to buy health supplements, creating a video for Facebook or Instagram may not be cost effective as this target segment may not be using these platforms as frequently or may even not exist on it at all. The exception to this rule however is the extended audience that may influence your target audience. For example, children of seniors who are concerned about the health of their aged parents would exist on Facebook or Youtube and encourage these seniors to consider buying those health supplements.

Social media apps on a phone

2. Creating videos in the wrong part of the marketing/sales funnel

To convince your audience to buy your product, they would have to run through a series of committed actions, for example, discovering you through a Facebook feed, clicking on your link, researching and browsing through your product selections, choosing the kinds of product they will need from you, adding to cart, checking out, payment and when all this is done, fingers crossed avoid cancelling their order. This entire journey is what we call the funnel. Creating videos at the wrong portion of the funnel could prevent a potential customer or audience from completing the journey.

3. When the objective of the business is far removed from the outcome of the video (E.g. No. of Views)

Videos have the ability to make you feel, influence and/or gain an understanding, and when paired with a goal or objective, it can be a very powerful force for motivating action. However, there are occasions whereby the content of a video does not meet its original intent and therefore derails it further from its objectives. This is quite a common issue and can be easily rectified through realignment to the objective. If the realignment cannot be achieved, it is better to consolidate and reconsider making a video. Examples include, focusing on the aesthetic style and alienating the intended content, employing a wrong Call-To-Action at the end of the video, or most commonly, having too many competing objectives within the same video.

dollar sign in neon lights

4. Cost of video outweighs the benefit of making the sale

This is pretty straight-forward to understand. Essentially, if the cost of creating a video outweighs the benefit of what the video gives, then it isn’t worth creating a video. Though obvious a statement, the difficulty is in measuring the potential return of value from creating a video. I will be covering this in future articles so stay tuned…

Here at Big 3 Media, we're a Singapore corporate video production that offers a suite of services to market your business during these challenging times:

If you are looking for content marketing options for your business, drop us an email or message and find out how Big 3 Media can help you!

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